Sunday, July 08, 2012

Be Careful What You Wish For

I am a very big fan of Dr. House. He sometimes says "you can't always get what you want." I too believed that, until very recently. As you cannot get what you want immediately, this might seem true for some time. Some of my experiences made me think in other ways.

I saw this documentary "Law of Attraction" (not the movie) almost three years ago. It says right attitude of having something already accomplished which is not accomplished yet, will actually help you to reach that destination. Of course it sounds absurd at first. But I believed that positive attitude is much better than a negative one.

Also in a conversation around two and a half years back, a good friend asked me if at the back of my mind I was still interested in physics or not. I was not doing well with my studies. It made me think that whatever idea you dump on the back of your mind, you consciously may forget it. But it stays there and has effects on all your future actions. They can as well be analysed and understood nicely from that point of view.

Observations show that apparently strong dams built on rivers are required regular maintenance, even though the calculated shock that can absorbed without any damage is more than the actual force the river exerts for a given amount of time. Similarly, it may be inferred shows that if you continuously let something stay at the back of your head, it affects your action in achieving or fulfilling those ideas.

That is why I realised that whatever you want, make sure you want it in the long run. Because if it is not, you might not actually like it when you get it. But nothing can be done then as everybody would know what you were up to all these times and all the situations created were already very strong to not let go off the thing you wanted all these years due to your actions. So, I think it would be wise to take time to decide wisely what you really want instead of not liking it much later. Be careful what you wish for, it might come true.

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